Sunday, 15 December 2013

Portfolio review by Rosie Wilman

My Mentor Rosie Wilman gave me a lot of great advice in presenting my portfolio to be more professional, by considering the space I use for my image making sure it is central and there are no shadowing lines at the sides that will intervene with the presentation of my image. Rosie feels the way I have recorded my Pdf portfolio is working well, showing the progression between projects. She has suggested that it would be nice to have a page that shows my working method, representing how I go from a sketch to the finished thing or how I've developed that idea.

Here a few examples of what she means;

Looking At these two examples she has produced I now understand a lot better the point she is trying to get across and I am willing to try this throughout my own portfolio showing my own progression throughout my work. I didn't realize that this would be an interesting factor to represent during my portfolio. 

Rosie has also suggested to include some of my tree family people in my portfolio as she thinks there ace. Expressing the point to always keep adding to it, improving my work making sure I am able to talk confidently about each piece so that I am ready for portfolio visits.

She was also very helpful in guiding me throughout my critical Journal that I am writing alongside my practical work, reflecting on my processes that I come across. As I am struggling to put it all together in a way it makes sense academically linking quotes and chapters together as well as my reflection of my own work.
I am trying to receive as much help as I can,  Rosie was a big help she has given  me a few key artists/thinkers to look at. Such as, Mark Rothko and his idea of 'colour theory' linking this to my own practise in the way I use muted backgrounds throughout my images so the characters in front of the background stand out. Using bright colours for example I have used red and yellow throughout one of my images that I have created of 'Grandad Binks Boat'.

Here are some examples of Mark Rothko's work;

Muted Blue's

This is Mark Rothko in front of one of his muted images in black and white.

Muted Red's

And here are a couple of my own images representing mute backgrounds contrasting with the image in front; 
Baby Bink Hiding behind a chair as she's scared and frightened.

Worried Nana Bink on the phone.

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