Saturday, 20 April 2013

'1,2,3' pieces of advice that I would give myself!

Here I have given myself three pieces of advice kind of like targets that I hope to learn and achieve from throughout my life. 

My first piece of advice is that, I feel I need to concentrate more and to use my time wisely when working towards deadlines especially short deadlines I just panic sometimes and get stressed easily. So I'm going to make sure I focus on my work everyday for at least half an hour.

My second piece of advice is to be more considerate when drawing lines and to think about what materials I'm using. As sometimes throughout my work I cant tell what good line is depending on thickness, lightness and the amount of weight used compared to the material I'm using. I think to help me with this weakness I will look over my basic design project again to help me especially throughout my mark making.

My third and final piece of advice is to make sure I'm more confident throughout my writing in essays.By doing this I will try and get as much help as I can from my tutors, my family, books, internet ect  To help make my essays more formal and less chatty.

In conclusion, I am going to try and be more focused, a bit more confident in myself throughout my work and to keep exploring and experimenting, making mistakes and learning from them.

Also here are some quotes from Kandinsky to keep me optimistic!

Quotes by Wassily Kandinsky!

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