Friday, 19 April 2013

'I wish I'd done That'

There is lots of things I wish I'd done or wish I could take credit for as there are so many different things in life that is utterly amazing its unbelievable what people think of and can do!

For instance Michelle Thompson has been at the forefront of illustration since she graduated from the royal college of arts in 1996 during the movement of
Her work is very successful in publishing, editorials and design including a vast range of materials that she uses such as; mark making, collage, photography combined with digital processes.
Michelle Thompson's compositions are outstanding and different that's what drawn me in to her work, I really enjoy exploring the different techniques she uses throughout a variety of pieces.
I love the created elements and typography she represents through her work giving off an abstract essence representing human figures or just parts of their body.
I would love to explore and experiment the combining of different materials and media's together to create something abstract with found elements showing a different light that has a new flare to it, representing a whole different meaning that maybe personal to me.

Michelle Thompson

Here is some examples of her work;


I would love to be able to create something like this its so colourful and vibrant, I adore the vintage feel I get in the atmosphere when I look at the variety compositions she has created there just amazing.

I admire the synergy produced throughout the vast materials she uses cutting and sticking, painting, mark making. These are all the things I love to do, I just hope I can create something this good one day merging all these elements together.

Another person I just totally adore and 'wish I done that' are these vintage compositions created by Jennifer Collier.
Jennifer Collier is one of my big time inspirations she is an innovative textiles and crafts artist, her work focuses on creating with paper, bonding with wax, trapping and stitching producing the most beautiful work I've ever seen.
I wish I had the skills and techniques to produce vivid compositions like Jennifer can, the way she collages things, cutting up bits and bobs then sticking them together again to make something new. It would be incredible if I could learn how to do that then turning it into something 3D that looks fragile and delicate in a unique vintage way.

I hope I can aspire to explore and learn the different techniques she uses!

Jennifer Collier

Here is some exquisite pieces Jennifer Collier has made;

The Things Jennifer Collier creates are just unbelievable they are magnificent I just really wish I could do stuff like this the vintage old fashioned essence is just breathe taking.
Her work is so inspirational its mesmerising.
I love everything she does she is very influential to me I just Love her work!

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